


Introduction of MBR membrane technology

Introduction of MBR membrane technology

MBR technology uses filters to submerge in aerobic biological treatment tanks. Wastewater is treated by biological sludge and this sludge is retained by the filtration process



When boiling water at 1000C most microorganisms are destroyed. There are a few when high temperatures rise to spore form with a strong protective layer.

Process and method of waste water treatment

Process and method of waste water treatment

Wastewater is used water, contaminated and needs to be treated before being discharged into the environment. Wastewater often contains many types of impurities of different nature.

Summary of effective domestic wastewater treatment measures

Summary of effective domestic wastewater treatment measures

Domestic wastewater is water that is disposed of after being used for community activities such as bathing and washing

How does the industrial park use wastewater treatment measures?

How does the industrial park use wastewater treatment measures?

At present, the environmental problem is a serious problem not only for the people concerned, but also for the concern of the state.

Effective water treatment methods are being applied today

Effective water treatment methods are being applied today

Wastewater is a source of water originating from activities in industry or daily life. Waste water in general or domestic wastewater and industrial waste water in particular

Solution for treating alum-contaminated water

Solution for treating alum-contaminated water

In fact, the method of de-ironing by making air is to enrich oxygen for water, creating conditions for Fe2 + to oxidize to Fe3 + to process hydrolysis.

Solution to treat hard water

Solution to treat hard water

There are many methods of water softening, so it should be based on the degree of softening needed (water permissible residual hardness), source water quality and economic indicators.

Large-scale industrial wastewater treatment

Large-scale industrial wastewater treatment

ndustrial wastewater treatment includes mechanisms and processes used to treat wastewater generated from industrial or commercial activities.
