Our construction

Works done

Project Completed

Natural mineral water system with UF membrane technology

Natural mineral water system with UF membrane technology

 Source country: Water from drilled wells - Tien Giang. Treatment target: meeting the standards of natural mineral water. Technology: Iron removal - Activated carbon filter - Application of UF ultrafiltration technology

Textile industrial wastewater system

Textile industrial wastewater system

Waste source: Wastewater generated from textile process, wash - Quang Trung industrial cluster, District 12. Treatment requirements: Waste water after treatment is discharged into canals, reach column A, QCVN 13: 2008 / BTNMT. Technology: aerobic chemical and biological technology and multi-stage deep filtering technology.

Water supply system for food production

Water supply system for food production

Source country: Water supply Cat Lai Industrial Zone - District 2. Treatment target: Finished water reaches QCVN 01: 2009 / BYT. Technology: Removal of iron - manganese - organic impurities - sterilization, operation and automatic washing by Autovalve.

Campuchia Project

Campuchia Project

Electric control system is equipped with complete control and protection criteria: automatic operation according to water level, pressure, load resistance, overpressure, water shortage.
